This is the first time, when I am writing something on the Blog. Usually, I write dairy, and I have a habit of writing on any topic, any articles and notes. Sometimes, I write Poems, when I feel very sad or energetic or something inspired me from the bottom of my heart. Poem writing is totally depends upon on your mood.
Today is a fashion of writing Blogs. I have read and seen moreover film stars and politician are writing Blogs on daily basis or updating it. But, the most attractive part of Blog writing is that it is not reserved for only highly demanded or VIP peoples. It is common playground, where all people can play with there words irrespective of their casts, religion, money status or other things. It means it’s a playground where we can play a game of our choice. We can put our views here, without worrying that what other people says about this or what there views. We just put our view and let the other people comment on them. It means it’s an open book where you can write anything about your views and let the other people comments on them. And you can also comment on others views. It’s a freedom of words and views.
Sometimes, I think that how the world is going to be shrinking? Firstly, we reduce the distance problem, through speed. Secondly, we reduce the distance and voice problem through communication equipments like cell phone or internet and now we are going to reduce the problem of thoughts and views through Internet Blogging. Wow!! How the life is going to be the next level it’s really interesting ……….