I would say ‘yes’. In every situation of life it is good to be always positive.
Why I am saying this, because in my life, I suffered many problems, because of having a negative attitude. I know it is really difficult to be always positive, in every situation of life, but what we can do, we don’t have any other option. If we go on the negative side, and follow a negative attitude then negativity will just ruin our life and increase our problems. I am not just saying all these things as it is. I have done this experiment, many times in my life on me, and got the same result again and again. I know that many people will not be agree with me on this my opinion, for those I would just say that, do the same experiment as I did and you will get the same result. I know that in this world, every body is facing challenges for surviving. In our daily routine life we face much type of challenges (problems), a few we know but moreover we don’t know, and till the end of our life, we have to face it. So why, we don’t face them positively.
I hope the positive attitude must be helping us to reduce the burden of our life’s problems. If you want to increase positiveness in your life, please follow the following steps.
Live Positive Live Happy:
You have always heard people around many a times pretending around to be very positive and affirmatives in their life. They have the typical looks on heir faces as if the world is on their feet because of their positivism.
It’s like “They care for every thing around and worry for nothing.”
It has become like a contagious disease which spreads like fire.
But again the question arises “Are they really The Positive?”
Positive Energy basically allows you to attract all your creamy desires in life and helps u to achieve your goals.
How the Positive energy does affects in our life?
According to the law of Attraction, we constantly transmit positive and negative energy in the nature. Nature, here, picks up the positive energy and gets attracted by us or picks up our negative energy and gets repelled by us.
The Secret of Rhonda Byrne states the “Like attracts Like”.
Positive energy can help you achieve your goals.
Then, how will you know you are emitting positive or negative energy???
Look around and observe whether the people around you are giving you the same response as per you expectation or its gong the either way round.
Here are some ways to create Positivism around you.
Meditation: This is the easiest way to allow entering positivism in your life. Just by meditating even 10 minutes daily can change you life for a huge betterment and success.
Sleep: Sleep has become the major issue in today’s materialistic world. But a good sleep of 8 hours suggested by any doctor is essential for good life. Sleeping early and getting up early can make your mind -body-soul fresh.
Exercise: Here we are many times lazy for putting exercise in our daily routine, including me. But it eventually helps in increasing positive energy around and increases concentration of the body.
No to T.V Here comes the difficult of all. We all love to vegetate in front of T.V for long. But continue watching T.V for long just stop the brain functioning in the regular patter and just drain us a lot. Thus, we reduce the energy for other activities.
Books are our true Friends: They change our life. Start reading books that suits our personality, that clicks you, which will gradually capture your mind they you can see that your interest, then move on to the other genre of books and style and world has already widened.
Energizing music: Listen to music that not only has soothing melody but an uplifting message with the positive energy and thus developing positive self talk. Music changes our state of mind thus helping to change the prior thinking for long time. It just takes us in completely different world!
Positive company: Positive people around plays a vital role in positive self development and helps you to generate positive energy within you. If you try to be around positive people your growth rate will increase tremendously. So now check it out for your self.
These are some simple and quick ways from which you can allow positivism to enter into your life in daily basis.
You Can Build a Positive Attitude towards Exercise:
Most people know that physical activity is very important yet many people choose to lead sedentary and inactive lives. And even more find it difficult to start a proper exercise program or stick with it.
On the other hand, some people use exercise merely for controlling their weight and don't recognize how critical it is for achieving optimal health.
Vigorous physical activity has been proven to help you feel better and live a longer healthier life - even if you don't have excess weight to lose. Stop your mind when it tries inventing reasons, excuses, justifications or rationalizations as to why you can't get going and get active. Excuses will never really help you get anywhere in life. If you don't want to exercise, one reason (excuse) is just as good as another.
If you are one of the people that are not very active or not exercising regularly, perhaps you have some negative thoughts of your own. Isn't it time to start building and programming your mind with more positive thoughts?
"I don't have time." It would only take 1/48th of your whole day to exercise for 30 minutes - and most people waste a lot more time than that on unproductive activities like watching TV or chit chatting on the phone! Being physically active is more important for your health and well-being than 99% of the other things you think must get done each day.
You will need to make this a priority in your life if you are ever going to reach your health and fitness goals. The key to success is giving it the priority it deserves. Fitness and health goals need planning just like you would plan for success in your career. Don't allow yourself to sit around and say you have no time - you can always get up an hour early or go to bed a bit later.
"I don't have the energy." Exercise increases your strength, stamina and endurance and helps you sleep better so you will become more productive and efficient in everything you do. No matter how you feel initially, you are likely to feel better within just a few minutes of starting to exercise, and these good feelings usually last long after the exercise is finished too.
"I will start exercising when I have lost some of this weight." A proper exercise program that includes strength training exercise uses additional calories and builds your metabolism. In addition, exercise reduces food cravings and curbs your appetite by raising your endorphins ("feel good chemicals") and serotonin levels ("calm chemicals").
This reduces stress and allows you to have an easier time losing any excess body fat.
Besides, if you don't exercise while you are losing weight, you will likely lose muscle tissue as well as fat which will make it gradually harder to lose weight - and almost impossible to keep it of long term.
"I am so out of shape - I don't even know where to begin!" You have to start somewhere - so start where you are today! There is no such thing as instant or quick fitness. If you start this week by increasing your activity level, little by little, bit by bit three months from now you will be leaner, stronger, more energetic, and healthier.
If you choose not to get started, then don't be surprised if you are in exactly the same condition (or worse) than you are today!
What about other negative thoughts and attitudes about that you have about exercise? Can you learn to counter them in a positive way? Develop positive statements and repeat them often to yourself, such as "being active gives me the opportunity to relieve stress and feel better. Or "I can feel myself becoming stronger, healthier more energetic and alive" or "it feels so good to move my muscles and my body."
Start thinking of yourself as an active, strong, slim, fit and healthy person - and you will become one!
The Magic of Believing - Suggestion is Power:
"Thought attracts that which it is directed" explains Claude Bristol in The Magic of Believing. Bristol goes on to give valuable life-changing advice for anyone who desires more in their life.
Bristol's masterpiece, written in 1948, opens with his description of how he was able to tap into the power of belief.
His path, at first rambled through a succession of failures and mediocrity. Filled with countless personal anecdotes and real life stories, he shares his own journey of how he was able to transform his own life.
The Magic of Believing is full of examples in all fields where supreme concentration and self-belief not only overcame obstacles but created perfection. He describes both professional and amateur athletes whose belief in self produced incredible accomplishments. He uses illustrations of all manner of ordinary people who were able to accomplish the extraordinary.
The underlying source of all achievement, according to Bristol, is belief. Belief alone, however, is not the answer. You must also enlist the power of the subconscious. This can be done through the repetition of words or phrases which will allow the subconscious to set events into motion for you.
Bristol gives a number of practical techniques which can be used immediately, to produce results. One method is called the "mirror technique". He instructs you to stand in front of a mirror, for 5 to 10 minutes, and tell yourself what you want to accomplish. This should be done at least twice a day. He reveals how this simple exercise will cause your desires to seep into your subconscious and soon become a reality.
"Positive creative thought" he concludes "leads to action and ultimate realization. Remember always whatever man can conceive mentally he can bring into materialization."
Use The Magic of Believing as a tool, to bring your thoughts, wishes and desires into your life. Read it. Reread it. Then, believe it. The Magic of Believing is in you.
10 Simple Steps to Self-Improvement:
When you came to the 40-year stage in your life, you will suddenly realize many things. You get to ask yourself questions.
How will it be when I get to the end of my life? How do I feel about the life I lived?
Then someone gave you some self improvement articles while telling you that it is not yet too late. Does that mean anything to you? You bet it does. The feeling of anxiety that will come next is just normal. Then you will feel confused because life had felt so good. You were happy, had a successful marriage, two wonderful kids, and a job you reasonably enjoyed. What was my problem?
It was your glass ceiling…The "practical" and fear-based side that had convinced you all along that your passion and dreams had died.
Here are top 10 basic steps that can help you move your life to the next level. This self improvement article will assist you in breaking through your own glass ceiling to create the life you really want.
You probably had no problem dreaming as a kid. What happened to your ability to imagine and dream about what you want and who you want to be? When was the last time that you caught you daydreaming and appreciated it?
Stop looking outside yourself for happiness. Look inside. Increase your self-awareness. Get curious about who you are at the core. Cultivate and nurture a relationship with yourself.
Take the time to address your personal needs. How can you focus on thriving in your life if you are in survival mode? Set up that meeting with a financial advisor; get your space organized, clean up the details that are wasting your energy.
Embrace your past and move on. Shift from "why it happened" to what I want to do about it now. Asking: “what" is not a very empowering question? Asking what or how I want to proceed can be much more powerful and produce forward movement.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed with life. Seek support. Read more self improvement articles. They might help you figure about some things that are puzzling you.
What is working right in you life? Make a list. Set aside a bit of time everyday to acknowledge what or who you are grateful for. The more you practice gratitude, the more you attract into your life things to be grateful for.
You still have your passions though it has been a while since you may have felt it flow. When are you the most alive and joyful in your life? Who do you most admire and what do they inspire in you?
Take action and take a risk. All the inspiration in the world is not enough to make you move your life to the next level. It takes inspired action to do that.
You probably forget to take deep full breaths. We have all learned to constrict our breathing in response to stress. According to many self improvement articles, we not only need oxygen to stay alive, we need oxygen to give us energy and keep us healthy. Right now take 5 deep, full breaths.
Call a friend, take a bubble bath, take you to an art museum or schedule a whole day out in nature. Put on some great music and dance till you drop.
How to defeat procrastination - Believe you can:
The power of belief is a key to success in everything we do. Whether your goal is to rise to the top of your profession or to be a better weekend golfer,
you have a better chance of success if you believe you'll be successful. And by believing that you can defeat procrastination, you can start to take charge of your life today.
Learn how to control your negative thoughts. When your mind says you can't do something, refuse to listen to it. Don't express your negative thoughts in words; tell your mind-and say it out loud-that you're going to do what it takes to get the job done.
It isn't easy, but it's worth the effort. Many people procrastinate because they've made up their minds that they're going to fail. If you are one of these people, the most important thing you can do today is to stop believing what the procrastination demon has been telling you.
Human beings are unique because of our ability to change-to become more than what we are. But before we can change, we must be able to accept full responsibility for everything we do. Smokers who say they "hate" smoking are deluding themselves-as an ex-smoker, I claim some authority on this topic.
We have a choice. People smoke because they want to smoke. It may be very hard for many people to quit smoking, but that's not the point-they'll never quit as long as they lie to themselves about the real cause of their habit. People are able to quit smoking when they really want to quit.
Take this quiz to find out if negative thoughts are causing procrastination in your life:
- When you tackle a job, do you expect to be successful? Do you think you'll be able to complete the job successfully by giving it your best effort?
- Do you visualize your success? When you face a difficult task and feel like giving up, are you able to give yourself a pep talk to stay motivated?
- When friends, family members, or others help you recognize a habit that you need to change, are you able to recognize the truth in what they say? Do you believe you can change your bad habits?
- Do you accept responsibility when your projects fail, rather than looking for something beyond your control to blame it on?
- When your mind says you're going to fail, do you try to replace these negative thoughts with positive ones?
If you answered "no" to any of the above questions, ask yourself what you can do to approach life with a more positive attitude. Do you want to go on living with negative thoughts, doubts, and fears? Are there any benefits of clinging to a negative attitude?
We can change bad habits by wanting to change them. And you can defeat the habit of procrastination in your life-especially if you believe you can.